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Tall Integrated Fridge Freezers Techniques To Simplify Your Daily Life…

페이지 정보

작성자 Chantal Quiles
댓글 0건 조회 13회 작성일 24-01-26 10:49


Buying an Integrated Fridge Freezer

If you're replacing your old fridge-freezer or installing a new kitchen, an integrated model is an excellent option for creating a sleek, modern look. They also ease the burdens of daily life, like freezing.

Integrated fridge freezers usually have with a standard width, which means they fit in cabinets for housing, but there's a range of models with various split types (eg 70/30). There are also Sliding and Fixed door options.


In-built fridge freezers are an increasingly popular option for kitchen design. They are more compact and don't attract the same attention as freestanding models. They're more expensive however more so than a freestanding model of the same type. You'll have to consider the price of the appliance, a refrigerator housing cabinet, and kitchen cabinets (if you're making an enclosure).

In general, integrated refrigerator freezers are the standard size. They're typically 60cm in width, but can vary slightly depending on the brand and model. They can also vary in height, from a midi-height which is around 130cm high to an extra tall model that's about 170-180cm tall.

The fridge compartment can also differ in size depending on the model you choose and your preferences. There are models that have 50/50 partitions that offer equally space for the freezer and fridge and 70/30 models that can contain more fresh foods, and a single-door model that is ideal for those who want to keep their dairy and meat separated.

The majority of fridge freezers that are integrated have many features that can help keep your food fresher for longer. This includes Total No-Frost technology, which helps to reduce the build-up of ice, allowing you to remove de-icing from your to-do list. They're also often equipped with the wine rack, salad drawer and plenty of shelves to store bottles of milk and water.

american style fridge freezer integrated (click the next page)

Refrigerators that are integrated are designed to perform an invisible role in your dream kitchen, fitting perfectly behind your cabinet doors to create a seamless appearance. Behind their subtlely integrated facias, they're stuffed with hidden storage that looks cavernous and clever technology that will keep your food at the ideal temperature for a longer period of time.

The best models have numerous shelves and drawers to help you organize your weekly shop as well as plenty of door space for large milk bottles. Look for features such as ice makers and smart connections (which allow you to adjust settings using a smartphone app) and child locks. Many models come with shelves that can be set at the ideal temperature for wine. This lets you chill your favorite wines without worrying about them being frozen.

hoover-hob50s518fk-static-integrated-fridge-freezer-50-50-split-wifi-connected-led-lighting-white-1822.jpgThe hinges of the less expensive integrated fridge freezers sourced from the Far East are prone to breaking after a few months or weeks. They can't withstand frequent use. Hettich and Ingol hinges are durable and long-lasting. Many people don't realize that integrated refrigerators and freezers put more pressure on the hinges than freestanding refrigerators, so they need to be sturdy enough. The same goes for kitchen doors, which have to be strong enough to handle the weight of the fridge, freezer as well as a kitchen door.

Energy efficiency

The best integrated refrigerator freezers integrate seamlessly into the kitchen design, creating an uncluttered, clean appearance. You can also keep your food fresher longer with innovative frost free technology. You can find the perfect fridge freezer for you with a range of capacities, sizes and energy efficiency ratings.

If you're replacing fridge freezers that are broken, reworking your kitchen or building a new house, integrated models conceal the appliance behind cabinetry doors to create a seamless appearance. This helps reduce the clutter on your bench and also provides additional storage ideal for dinner parties. Based on the model you select, some models come with adjustable shelves that give you more freedom in how you store your food items.

There are two kinds: Fixed door and sliding door models. The sliding door models have an attached rail in the cabinet, allowing the fridge door to slide into. Another type is fixed and uses special hinges to connect the fridge door to the cabinet, which means that the doors of the cabinet are affixed to the fridge freezer doors when they are opened.

With the introduction of new energy labels in March 2021, you will be able to know exactly how much energy an integrated fridge freezer uses in kWh each year. This will allow you to make the best decision when selecting your appliances. The new rating system makes it easier to compare energy costs between different brands of fridge freezers.


An integrated fridge freezer is a great option for homeowners looking to streamline their kitchen design. These appliances are hidden behind cabinet doors and blend in seamlessly with other kitchen decor. They also help to reduce visual clutter. They're also ideal for kitchens that are small or living spaces that are open. However, it's crucial to ensure that there is enough space is left above and behind the appliance in order to ensure proper ventilation. Otherwise, you could be using more energy than is necessary and damage your cheap integrated fridge freezers fridge or freezer.

Our range of integrated fridge freezers comes with models with a variety of capacities for storage. Choose between a traditional split of 70/30, or a 50/50 with equal amounts of fridge and freezer space. Some models have adjustable shelves, meaning you can modify the interior storage configuration in accordance with your needs. Other features include a speed-freeze setting that reduces rapidly the temperature of the freezer, an antibacterial liner to eliminate odours as well as mould and frost-free technology designed to minimise maintenance.

If you're replacing the existing fridge-freezer or redesigning your kitchen, you won't go wrong with an integrated fridge or freezer. They're sleek and stylish alternative to freestanding appliances and are available in a wide range of sizes and colors. In addition, if you have Saga Home Insurance you can benefit from additional peace of head when it comes to repairs and replacements.


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